I was reading a friend's Facebook post the other day, and she was listing the 101 things she wants to do before she dies. It got me to thinking about what my list would be were I to take on a similar endeavor. And then it occurred to me...God has blessed me with the opportunity to do so many things already. In a mere 46 years, He's given me the chance to experience so much of His wonderful creation and the richness of life. So, I want to adapt by friend's enterprise and, instead, list the 101 things I've already had the honor to do because of the awesome God I serve (no particular order here).
God has blessed me by allowing me to...
Parachute from an airplane
Fly a plane as the pilot in command
Ride in a hot air balloon
Ride in a helicopter flying NAP of the earth (i.e., as Near As Possible to the earth)
Travel to a foreign country (not with the military)
Operate in a combat environment (with the military)
Attend seminary
Attend law school
Serve as a police officer
Rappel from a helicopter
Go spelunking (i.e., caving)
Ride on a train
Drive a motorcycle
Receive an amateur radio operator license
Receive a commission in the U.S. Army
Marry a wonderful woman
Have five awesome children
Play for an amateur baseball team (very short-lived)
Attend MLB Spring Training in Florida (as a spectator)
Build a building
Build a guitar
Go snow skiing
Get certified in scuba diving
Get a concealed weapons permit
Travel coast to coast across the U.S.
Attend a professional baseball game (many, many times)
Attend a professional football game (once)
Go to a rock-n-roll concert
Read the Bible
Start an internet radio station
Host a podcast
Write a blog
Write a book
Write a journal article
Receive a large sum of money (once...and it's all gone)
Meet the U.S. Secretary of Defense
Meet a MLB player
Crash a plane (I was the co-pilot...not my fault)
Crash a car (my fault)
Hike a mountain trail
Work for the U.S. Forest Service
Be blessed with great parents
Be blessed with great grandparents
Go waterskiing
Stay in an expensive hotel
Go to a big city
Go to a desert
Read the Constitution of the United States
Teach a college class
Serve as a college dean
Serve as an Army chaplain
Serve as an infantry officer in the Army
Be the valedictorian of my high school class
Graduate as a Distinguished Honor Graduate from a military school
Graduate with honors from college
Ask Christ to be my Lord and Savior
Pastor a church
Play drums in a live concert
Sing a song in front of a crowd
Own a company (...small)
Run a non-profit (...even smaller)
Edit a book
See a live musical
Get quoted in a major newspaper
Produce a video
Buy a gun
Read a piece of classic literature
Officiate a funeral (sad times)
Officiate a wedding (happy times)
Sit with a person while he/she dies
Give a speech
Eat dinner with someone prominent
Break a bone
Go whitewater rafting (see #74 above)
Go cross-country kayaking
Shoot an animal (while hunting)
Gut a fish
See a bear in the wild
Go on a long run
Scuba dive in the Caribbean
See a barracuda in the wild
Counsel a couple having relationship issues
Give away a large sum of money
Say, "I'm sorry" to someone
Stand up to a bully
Lead a devotional or Bible study
Make a new friend
Lose an old friend
Visit an old friend
Saw down a tree
Have an operation
Help perform an operation (on an animal)
Deliver a eulogy
Conduct an interview
Go camping
Bail hay
Ride a horse
Pilot a glider
Be knocked unconscious
Make a list of 101 things...
What is your list? How has God blessed you? I challenge you to make a list right now...and then thank God for it!